Minggu, 05 Juni 2011

CPU Speed Professional

Hallo,.. selamat bertemu lagi temen-temen kali ini saya kan share tentang software untuk mengetahui kecepatan kinerja CPU anda. simak penjelasannya ya :-).

CPU Speed Professional will accurately benchmark your processor speed. The CPU Speed benchmarking software records and reviews thousands of processor speeds which are added daily to the worldwide CPU ranking website. You can compare and review the speeds of each of the different processors using our Intel vs AMD CPU charts.

CPU Speed Professional will stress test your CPU and works on all processors, including servers, workstations, dual core, quad core, laptop, netbook and other mobile CPUs.

CPU Benchmark results are submitted by users to the CPU Speed Pro worldwide ranking web site. CPU Speed peforms a wide range of tests which are then compared with results from other CPUs to determine the global CPU rating for a processor.

CPU Speed Pro runs each of 12 different CPU tests on all of a system's available processors. Our test reviews include overclocked CPUs, high end processors, server CPUs, mid-range CPUs, Intel Atom netbook CPUs, as well as full Netbook CPU shootouts, plus AMD vs. Intel vs. VIA and more.

nah setelah membaca ulasan di atas ada baiknya kita mencoba software ini. silahkan download aja :-)

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CPU Speed Professional
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